A talented young racing driver from The Coleshill School is in pole position for a successful career in the motorsport industry after dedicating his spare time to winning on the racetrack.

Thirteen-year-old Jensen Powers has been spending weekends karting for four years and is proving to be a top competitor – finishing third in a 36-strong field in a recent event.

Jensen said: “When everything is going right for me on the track it’s a great feeling. There’s the adrenaline going round me. It’s good fun trying to overtake people, going faster, but there’s a lot more to it. Braking and setting the car up right are really important.”

According to Jensen’s dad, Scott, the young driver’s love of motorsport started from an early age.

He said: “Jensen’s always been car-mad. In fact, it’s hard to believe, but his very first word was ‘car’! He first went karting when he was six – we tried lots of different taster sessions and he ended up loving it. I’ve always loved cars myself, so I’ve supported him at every step.

“He’s probably picked up the motorsport bug from me!”

With his ambition, hard work and passion, Jensen is on the road to an amazing career in the motorsport industry.

Jensen Powers points the way to success.

He said: “I’d like to be a racing driver, but I’ve got to be realistic. Engineering or working with cars would be great too.”

Jensen’s talent on the track has drawn support from family and friends. He’s even managed to bag two sponsors – EBC Brakes and A & P Fencing.

Also eager to support Jensen’s budding career is The Coleshill School, which is part of the respected Arthur Terry Learning Partnership.

Scott said: “The school has been very supportive, especially (Headteacher) Ian Smith-Childs, who always asks how Jensen’s getting on. The school even encourages him to take a couple of days off for the championships.

“It’s great to see how much Coleshill value extracurricular stuff, even if it’s not academic.”

Knowledge is Powers! Jensen is always learning.

The skills Jensen has learned during his karting sessions extend beyond the track. Confidence and communication skills, as well as knowledge in maths, pressures and engineering, are laying great groundwork for Jensen’s future.

Scott said: “Confidence is so important to his success and he’s earned a lot of respect. I’ve really seen him bloom in this environment and he’s made some friends for life.

“He’s learned a lot about discipline too. He sets his alarm for 5.45am on Saturday and Sunday and the hard work has paid off. He’s been in the National Series, racing all over the country.

“It’s taught him he’s only going to get out of life what he puts into it. He’s put so much time into practice and it’s worked out for him. I’m really proud.”

Coleshill School Headteacher Ian Smith-Childs said: “We are so proud of what Jensen is achieving on the track. He’s a great example to his classmates about how hard work and dedication can lead to results.”

Main picture: Jensen Powers is starring on the racetrack.