Purpose and Vision

The Coleshill School | 2023
Through effective collaboration and through the support of central services, we strive to ensure that ATLP is:
The MAT that offers the school of choice where the quality of teaching is truly ‘world-class’ and a school that provides an exciting, fulfilling curriculum, producing outstanding outcomes for all
The employer of choice providing outstanding career development and training that delivers impact and release potential and one that ensures there is an absolute commitment to wellbeing that is unconditional
Innovative providing exciting opportunities and forward-thinking strategies that leads to schools that are groundbreaking
Committed to empowering communities preparing all of its learners for a world that requires a range of skills and knowledge
Leading edge in developing excellent employer relationships that contributes to further economic development within our hub areas
What we stand for
- Children lie at the heart of everything we do
- Working together rather than isolation means we can accelerate school improvement and ensure excellence in and across our family of schools
What we value
- Developing learners who are innovators, creative and resilient
- Ensuring excellence in all that we do through strong collaborative working and a shared commitment to all pupils in all of our schools
Why we stand out
- The diversity of the communities we serve within a tight geographical concentration allows us to share best practice, deliver a localised curriculum and truly personalise the educational experience
- Our extended and unique provision, embedded around an outward facing philosophy, ensures close and wide-ranging collaboration with all that leads to extended opportunities and links to educators and businesses