Ambitious West Coventry Academy students who took part in “fabulous” careers activities at the school last week, have been described by event organisers as: “polite, motived and engaged.”

Children and young people in years 7, 9 and 10 explored employability skills in hands-on, fun and challenging events at the school, which is part of the respected Arthur Terry Learning Partnership (ATLP).

The students took part in the ‘Bright Futures Experience’ which gave them the opportunity to test their entrepreneurial skills and the chance to experience the thrill of risk-taking, profit making and the buzz of business.  

The children and young people met a diverse range of entrepreneurs, who helped the enthusiastic students identify and practice the key skills used by successful business leaders, like teamwork and communication.

Year 9 also worked with ‘Elevate – Careers Service’ which provides advice and support to young people about employment, education and training. The students were involved in a programme focussed on time management and study skills.

Assistant head, Sam Tasker, said: “Students were really positive about their experience. The external deliverers were highly complimentary about our children and young people, using phrases such as ‘polite’, ‘motivated’ and ‘engaged’. A fabulous time for all involved!”

Bright Futures Experience (part of Study Skills Zone Limited) has inspired over half a million young people to make things happen and realise their potential. For more details visit:

Elevate – Careers Service (part of Brighter Futures for Children) supports 16-18 year-olds (up to 25 years-old for SEND and care experienced young people) by providing impartial advice to support them into employment, education and training. For more details visit: