
Anna Seward Primary School | 2023
The Arthur Terry Learning Partnership is a Multi-Academy Trust, a charitable company without share capital. The Trust Board, comprised of Directors known as Trustees, holds collective legal and regulatory accountability for the ATLP and its schools. They meet on a regular basis to support schools and provide strategic management and leadership of the ATLP. Trustees are supported in their efforts at the individual school level by local governance representatives, Advocates, whom form trust-wide committees in order to ensure a dual focus on both individual school, and collective improvement and excellence across the ATLP family of schools. Advocate roles are streamlined with specific roles and responsibilities in order to enhance and support the strategic priorities of each school and the Trust, and to avoid bureaucracy and duplication of accountability.
Governance structures at the ATLP are designed to both reflect and deliver the ATLP’s ‘One Trust’ vision through a single Board of Trustees a single scheme of delegation and specific Terms of Reference for each Committee established by the Trust Board.

The Arthur Terry Learning Partnership is a Multi-Academy Trust, a company without Share Capital. The Trust Board, known as Trustees, oversees the day to day running of the company. They meet on a regular basis to support schools and provide strategic management and leadership of the ATLP.
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John Vickers
Chair of Trustees, July 2017 to present
John Vickers
Chair of Trustees, July 2017 to present
John has more than 35 years’ experience of working in comprehensive schools in rural, urban and inner-city environments, including over 20 years as a secondary head teacher in Birmingham, North Yorkshire and Coventry.
More recently, he has worked as a freelance education consultant in association with three Local Authorities and a wide range of individual secondary schools in Warwickshire, Nottinghamshire, and Bradford. His main focus has been challenging and supporting senior leadership teams and governing bodies of secondary schools to secure school improvement.
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Heather Morris
Trustee from October 2015 to present
Heather Morris
Trustee from October 2015 to present
Now retired, Heather’s longstanding career in education began in 1970, when she joined Birmingham City Council’s Education Department, progressing to Principal Officer in the employee relations team of Human Resources.
In 2007, she moved to work in a secondary school in the south west of Birmingham which had recently come out of Special Measures and then became part of a multi academy trust.
As part of her administrative role, Heather led and managed teams of various sizes, and worked with others to interpret legislation, terms and conditions of service for support and teaching staff and advised schools. Her areas of expertise included HR, Finance, Site and Health and Safety. She was the only non-teaching member of the Senior leadership team.
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Brian Cookson
Trustee from March 2018 to present
Brian Cookson
Trustee from March 2018 to present
Brian has continuously taught in secondary schools since qualifying in 1973. Although qualifying in Humanities, he developed and taught pre-vocational programmes and was a vocational programme assessor. Together with a colleague, he developed, promoted, taught and became Director of what became a nationally acclaimed 16-19 programme known as TOPS for students who otherwise may have left education with few qualifications.
Brian undertook work in research into the development of pre-vocational education at Warwick and Keele Universities. He has maintained this firm interest and recently completed a 6 year period working with the European Commission ET 2020 Group in Brussels with specific remits in Entrepreneurship Education and Transversal Skills.
Brian has a strong trade union background. Following on from local union roles, he has been a member of the NASUWT National Executive for 20 years.
Brian is still a member of the TUC General Council. He was also Lay Auditor, responsible for auditing the work commissioned by the European Commission, for 8 years for the ETUCE representing education trade union members across Europe and based in Brussels.
Brian has been a member of the England and Wales Teachers’ Pension Advisory Board and the Scottish equivalent. He remains a member of the Scottish Teachers’ Pension Board. He has also been Chair of Trustees of a private pension scheme since 2009.
He is passionate about education, teaching and working with young people.
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Alex Yip
Trustee from April 2022 to present
Alex Yip
Trustee from April 2022 to present
Councillor Alex Yip is the Councillor for Sutton Wylde Green ward, Birmingham City Council, has been a Birmingham Magistrate since 2009, a school governor since 2007 and a trustee of the City of Birmingham Orchestra (CBSO) since 2018
After graduating from Leicester University with a Masters in International Relations in 2004, he taught English in Shanghai for a year after volunteering in Ghana and Zambia. He has since returned many times spending considerable time volunteering across Africa through the Conservatives Friends of International Development (CFID) programs teaching budding entrepreneurs business skills in Rwanda and Tanzania in 2017 and 2018. Currently a Birmingham City Councillor, as the Shadow Cabinet Member for Vulnerable Children and Families he focuses on SEND matters for the city. He was also a Parliamentary candidate standing in Edgbaston during the 2019 General Elections. He was a past Board Director of the Conservative Christian Fellowship (CCF), a passionate supporter of raising Mental Health awareness regularly fundraising for MIND mental health in the past and a property developer having previously ran a chain of Chinese takeaways. A committed Christian, and a proud Brummie, he enjoys playing chess, skiing, badminton, and is a very happy father of two.
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David Watson
Trustee from November 2022 to present
David Watson
Trustee from November 2022 to present
A highly experienced educationalist, David’s career to date has included headships in both Birmingham and Manchester. In parallel to this, he has held leader and director-level positions for national and regional educational bodies, as well as being an Ofsted inspector. His strong track record of success delivering positive impact at school, system, local, regional and national level, saw him awarded an OBE in the 2019 New Year’s Honours List for services to education. Throughout his career, David has successfully delivered sustained improvement in both pupil and Ofsted outcomes. He also has a keen interest in developing leadership programmes to encourage and nurture highly effective leaders and staff, alongside a values-led approach to driving strategy, where all stakeholders play their part. Before joining Venturers Trust in 2020, David was the CEO and Executive Principal of Changing Lives in Collaboration Trust, based in Manchester.
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Karen Geddes
Trustee from April 2024 to present
Karen Geddes
Trustee from April 2024 to present
Karen Geddes (QPM) joined West Midlands Police in 1992 and served for 30 years. During her service, she remained one of only a handful of Black females within the force, overcoming personal barriers to become the first-ever Black female Superintendent in the West Midlands.
Karen developed a reputation as a problem solver who helped influence and develop a more inclusive culture, shape responses to critical incidents in the Black community, and improve policing by advocating for and celebrating Black talent and culture.
She has received multiple awards for her work, including the Queen’s Police Medal and the National Ethnicity Award and.
Karen is the founder of The Thin Black Line and co-founder of Women in the Shade, organisations dedicated to building stronger, more inclusive institutions.
Having transitioned from policing, she remains passionate about promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion in the police force and beyond.
“If not you, then who?”
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Ashley Innis
Trustee from April 2024 to present
Ashley Innis
Trustee from April 2024 to present
Having worked for Birmingham City Council for almost 20 years, Ashley has a broad multi-disciplinary background, with extensive experience of working with executive leaders, politicians, national and international partners from across the public and private sectors.
Much of his career has been within the built environment, operating at a senior level to lead several complex flagship redevelopment and regeneration projects across Birmingham – including New Street Station, Grand Central and the Perry Barr Redevelopment Scheme and venues for the 2022 Commonwealth Games.
Now working as a senior leader at one of the UK’s leading housing and care providers, he is involved in the delivery of social housing and regeneration schemes across the country.
A Chartered Human Resources Professional by background, Ashley is a double graduate (BA International Business Management and MA Real Estate Management) of Birmingham City University where he is regularly involved in supporting the professional development of students.
Ashley has previously held the position of chair of governors within the ATLP at Slade primary where he supported the school to drive improvement and better outcomes for the children.
Outside of work, Ashley enjoys playing a range of sports including football and badminton as well as running and skiing and is a married father of two children.
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David McVean
Trustee from April 2024 to present
David McVean
Trustee from April 2024 to present
With a 30-year career in the Department for Education with 10 years in the Senior Civil Service, David brings significant knowledge to the ATLP’s Board of Trustees. David has held several senior policy roles within DfE include Inspection, Funding, Admissions, and legislation. He was the Deputy Director responsible for over 3600 academies within the EFA. He is an SRMA and a lead SRMA assessor. David works with schools and colleges across the country to help them develop and implement strategies for growth, efficiency, and effectiveness. His focus is always on securing better outcomes for children and young people. Able to blend finance, operations as well as leadership of an organisation, David enjoys giving back to the education community through his governance work.
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Jane Jones
Trustee from June 2024 to present
Jane Jones
Trustee from June 2024 to present
Jane Jones is a former teacher and an active member of various community groups and endeavours in the West Midlands. Jane was the Chair of Governors at West Coventry Academy at the time that the school joined The Arthur Terry Learning Partnership, and in addition to her role as Trustee at ATLP, also serves as Trustee at the Robin Hood Multi Academy Trust.
Jane supports strong governance links between the local tier and Trust Board at ATLP by also serving as a local advocate for two partnership schools.
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Amanda Daniels
Trustee from January 2025 to present
Amanda Daniels
Trustee from January 2025 to present
Amanda has lived in Sutton Coldfield for most of her adult life. Amanda has held several roles in education throughout her working life – initially as a middle school teacher then as a primary school teacher – she recalls that working in a Reception class was the hardest job she has ever done. Amanda then trained as an educational psychologist and worked in that profession for 35 years before taking a contract role in special needs before her recent retirement. Two of Amanda’s children have gone on to become teachers themselves, albeit outside of the local area.
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Sir David Carter
Member from May 2022
Sir David Carter
Member from May 2022
David was the national schools commissioner from 2016 to 2018, with a focus on building capacity and school improvement across multi-academy trusts. Before his appointment, he was the first regional schools commissioner for the South West.
David is a music graduate of the University of London and has taught music in comprehensive schools across the country since he started teaching in September 1983. In 1997, he became headteacher of Cirencester Deer Park School in Gloucestershire.
He was principal of John Cabot City Technology College in Bristol in 2004, before becoming CEO of the Cabot Learning Federation from 2007 to 2014. David led the growth of the federation to include 12 schools and successfully applied to become one of the first teaching schools in the country. He was one of the first national leaders of education (NLEs) and received a knighthood for services to education in the Queen’s birthday honours in 2013.
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Sally Taylor
(Representing The Diocese of Lichfield Educational Trust Ltd) Member from February 2022 to present
Sally Taylor
(Representing The Diocese of Lichfield Educational Trust Ltd) Member from February 2022 to present
The Diocese of Lichfield Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and a charity registered with the Charities Commission. The purposes of the company is to be the Diocesan Corporate Member of each Church of England Academy in the Diocese. DLET will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that statutory inspections take place as required by the Education Act. DLET will also support improvement and transformation of standards and will require accountability of the members of each Church of England Academy in respect both of ethos and standards.
DLET is the appointing body for foundation members of local governing bodies in Church of England Academies and approves the appointment of Trustees to Academy Trusts of which it is a corporate member.
The DDE and the Chair of the DBE Committee are ex-officio Members of the Company with a further 3 members appointed from the Committee.
A representative of the Lichfield DBE will act on behalf of DLET at Members meetings.
Audit and Risk Committee
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Heather Morris
Trustee from October 2015 to present
Heather Morris
Trustee from October 2015 to present
Now retired, Heather’s longstanding career in education began in 1970, when she joined Birmingham City Council’s Education Department, progressing to Principal Officer in the employee relations team of Human Resources.
In 2007, she moved to work in a secondary school in the south west of Birmingham which had recently come out of Special Measures and then became part of a multi academy trust.
As part of her administrative role, Heather led and managed teams of various sizes, and worked with others to interpret legislation, terms and conditions of service for support and teaching staff and advised schools. Her areas of expertise included HR, Finance, Site and Health and Safety. She was the only non-teaching member of the Senior leadership team.
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Alex Yip
Trustee from April 2022 to present
Alex Yip
Trustee from April 2022 to present
Councillor Alex Yip is the Councillor for Sutton Wylde Green ward, Birmingham City Council, has been a Birmingham Magistrate since 2009, a school governor since 2007 and a trustee of the City of Birmingham Orchestra (CBSO) since 2018
After graduating from Leicester University with a Masters in International Relations in 2004, he taught English in Shanghai for a year after volunteering in Ghana and Zambia. He has since returned many times spending considerable time volunteering across Africa through the Conservatives Friends of International Development (CFID) programs teaching budding entrepreneurs business skills in Rwanda and Tanzania in 2017 and 2018. Currently a Birmingham City Councillor, as the Shadow Cabinet Member for Vulnerable Children and Families he focuses on SEND matters for the city. He was also a Parliamentary candidate standing in Edgbaston during the 2019 General Elections. He was a past Board Director of the Conservative Christian Fellowship (CCF), a passionate supporter of raising Mental Health awareness regularly fundraising for MIND mental health in the past and a property developer having previously ran a chain of Chinese takeaways. A committed Christian, and a proud Brummie, he enjoys playing chess, skiing, badminton, and is a very happy father of two.
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Ashley Innis
Trustee from April 2024 to present
Ashley Innis
Trustee from April 2024 to present
Having worked for Birmingham City Council for almost 20 years, Ashley has a broad multi-disciplinary background, with extensive experience of working with executive leaders, politicians, national and international partners from across the public and private sectors.
Much of his career has been within the built environment, operating at a senior level to lead several complex flagship redevelopment and regeneration projects across Birmingham – including New Street Station, Grand Central and the Perry Barr Redevelopment Scheme and venues for the 2022 Commonwealth Games.
Now working as a senior leader at one of the UK’s leading housing and care providers, he is involved in the delivery of social housing and regeneration schemes across the country.
A Chartered Human Resources Professional by background, Ashley is a double graduate (BA International Business Management and MA Real Estate Management) of Birmingham City University where he is regularly involved in supporting the professional development of students.
Ashley has previously held the position of chair of governors within the ATLP at Slade primary where he supported the school to drive improvement and better outcomes for the children.
Outside of work, Ashley enjoys playing a range of sports including football and badminton as well as running and skiing and is a married father of two children.
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David McVean
Trustee from April 2024 to present
David McVean
Trustee from April 2024 to present
With a 30-year career in the Department for Education with 10 years in the Senior Civil Service, David brings significant knowledge to the ATLP’s Board of Trustees. David has held several senior policy roles within DfE include Inspection, Funding, Admissions, and legislation. He was the Deputy Director responsible for over 3600 academies within the EFA. He is an SRMA and a lead SRMA assessor. David works with schools and colleges across the country to help them develop and implement strategies for growth, efficiency, and effectiveness. His focus is always on securing better outcomes for children and young people. Able to blend finance, operations as well as leadership of an organisation, David enjoys giving back to the education community through his governance work.
Finance Committee
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Brian Cookson
Finance Committee from July 2018 to present
Brian Cookson
Finance Committee from July 2018 to present
Brian has continuously taught in secondary schools since qualifying in 1973. Although qualifying in Humanities, he developed and taught pre-vocational programmes and was a vocational programme assessor. Together with a colleague, he developed, promoted, taught and became Director of what became a nationally acclaimed 16-19 programme known as TOPS for students who otherwise may have left education with few qualifications.
Brian undertook work in research into the development of pre-vocational education at Warwick and Keele Universities. He has maintained this firm interest and recently completed a 6 year period working with the European Commission ET 2020 Group in Brussels with specific remits in Entrepreneurship Education and Transversal Skills.
Brian has a strong trade union background. Following on from local union roles, he has been a member of the NASUWT National Executive for 20 years.
Brian is still a member of the TUC General Council. He was also Lay Auditor, responsible for auditing the work commissioned by the European Commission, for 8 years for the ETUCE representing education trade union members across Europe and based in Brussels.
Brian has been a member of the England and Wales Teachers’ Pension Advisory Board and the Scottish equivalent. He remains a member of the Scottish Teachers’ Pension Board. He has also been Chair of Trustees of a private pension scheme since 2009.
He is passionate about education, teaching and working with young people.
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David Watson
Finance Committee from November 2022 to present
David Watson
Finance Committee from November 2022 to present
A highly experienced educationalist, David’s career to date has included headships in both Birmingham and Manchester. In parallel to this, he has held leader and director-level positions for national and regional educational bodies, as well as being an Ofsted inspector. His strong track record of success delivering positive impact at school, system, local, regional and national level, saw him awarded an OBE in the 2019 New Year’s Honours List for services to education. Throughout his career, David has successfully delivered sustained improvement in both pupil and Ofsted outcomes. He also has a keen interest in developing leadership programmes to encourage and nurture highly effective leaders and staff, alongside a values-led approach to driving strategy, where all stakeholders play their part. Before joining Venturers Trust in 2020, David was the CEO and Executive Principal of Changing Lives in Collaboration Trust, based in Manchester.
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David McVean
Trustee from April 2024 to present
David McVean
Trustee from April 2024 to present
With a 30-year career in the Department for Education with 10 years in the Senior Civil Service, David brings significant knowledge to the ATLP’s Board of Trustees. David has held several senior policy roles within DfE include Inspection, Funding, Admissions, and legislation. He was the Deputy Director responsible for over 3600 academies within the EFA. He is an SRMA and a lead SRMA assessor. David works with schools and colleges across the country to help them develop and implement strategies for growth, efficiency, and effectiveness. His focus is always on securing better outcomes for children and young people. Able to blend finance, operations as well as leadership of an organisation, David enjoys giving back to the education community through his governance work.
Workforce Committee
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Brian Cookson
Workforce Committee from September 2022 to present
Brian Cookson
Workforce Committee from September 2022 to present
Brian has continuously taught in secondary schools since qualifying in 1973. Although qualifying in Humanities, he developed and taught pre-vocational programmes and was a vocational programme assessor. Together with a colleague, he developed, promoted, taught and became Director of what became a nationally acclaimed 16-19 programme known as TOPS for students who otherwise may have left education with few qualifications.
Brian undertook work in research into the development of pre-vocational education at Warwick and Keele Universities. He has maintained this firm interest and recently completed a 6 year period working with the European Commission ET 2020 Group in Brussels with specific remits in Entrepreneurship Education and Transversal Skills.
Brian has a strong trade union background. Following on from local union roles, he has been a member of the NASUWT National Executive for 20 years.
Brian is still a member of the TUC General Council. He was also Lay Auditor, responsible for auditing the work commissioned by the European Commission, for 8 years for the ETUCE representing education trade union members across Europe and based in Brussels.
Brian has been a member of the England and Wales Teachers’ Pension Advisory Board and the Scottish equivalent. He remains a member of the Scottish Teachers’ Pension Board. He has also been Chair of Trustees of a private pension scheme since 2009.
He is passionate about education, teaching and working with young people.
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Heather Morris
Workforce Committee from September 2022 to present
Heather Morris
Workforce Committee from September 2022 to present
Now retired, Heather’s longstanding career in education began in 1970, when she joined Birmingham City Council’s Education Department, progressing to Principal Officer in the employee relations team of Human Resources.
In 2007, she moved to work in a secondary school in the south west of Birmingham which had recently come out of Special Measures and then became part of a multi academy trust.
As part of her administrative role, Heather led and managed teams of various sizes, and worked with others to interpret legislation, terms and conditions of service for support and teaching staff and advised schools. Her areas of expertise included HR, Finance, Site and Health and Safety. She was the only non-teaching member of the Senior leadership team.
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Karen Geddes
Trustee from April 2024 to present
Karen Geddes
Trustee from April 2024 to present
Karen Geddes (QPM) joined West Midlands Police in 1992 and served for 30 years. During her service, she remained one of only a handful of Black females within the force, overcoming personal barriers to become the first-ever Black female Superintendent in the West Midlands.
Karen developed a reputation as a problem solver who helped influence and develop a more inclusive culture, shape responses to critical incidents in the Black community, and improve policing by advocating for and celebrating Black talent and culture.
She has received multiple awards for her work, including the Queen’s Police Medal and the National Ethnicity Award and.
Karen is the founder of The Thin Black Line and co-founder of Women in the Shade, organisations dedicated to building stronger, more inclusive institutions.
Having transitioned from policing, she remains passionate about promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion in the police force and beyond.
“If not you, then who?”
School Improvement Scrutiny Committee
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John Vickers
Chair of Trustees, July 2017 to present
John Vickers
Chair of Trustees, July 2017 to present
John has more than 35 years’ experience of working in comprehensive schools in rural, urban and inner-city environments, including over 20 years as a secondary head teacher in Birmingham, North Yorkshire and Coventry.
More recently, he has worked as a freelance education consultant in association with three Local Authorities and a wide range of individual secondary schools in Warwickshire, Nottinghamshire, and Bradford. His main focus has been challenging and supporting senior leadership teams and governing bodies of secondary schools to secure school improvement.
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Alex Yip
Trustee from April 2022 to present
Alex Yip
Trustee from April 2022 to present
Councillor Alex Yip is the Councillor for Sutton Wylde Green ward, Birmingham City Council, has been a Birmingham Magistrate since 2009, a school governor since 2007 and a trustee of the City of Birmingham Orchestra (CBSO) since 2018
After graduating from Leicester University with a Masters in International Relations in 2004, he taught English in Shanghai for a year after volunteering in Ghana and Zambia. He has since returned many times spending considerable time volunteering across Africa through the Conservatives Friends of International Development (CFID) programs teaching budding entrepreneurs business skills in Rwanda and Tanzania in 2017 and 2018. Currently a Birmingham City Councillor, as the Shadow Cabinet Member for Vulnerable Children and Families he focuses on SEND matters for the city. He was also a Parliamentary candidate standing in Edgbaston during the 2019 General Elections. He was a past Board Director of the Conservative Christian Fellowship (CCF), a passionate supporter of raising Mental Health awareness regularly fundraising for MIND mental health in the past and a property developer having previously ran a chain of Chinese takeaways. A committed Christian, and a proud Brummie, he enjoys playing chess, skiing, badminton, and is a very happy father of two.
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Deirdre Duigan
Director of Education – Secondary
Deirdre Duigan
Director of Education – Secondary
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David Watson
Trustee from November 2022 to present
David Watson
Trustee from November 2022 to present
A highly experienced educationalist, David’s career to date has included headships in both Birmingham and Manchester. In parallel to this, he has held leader and director-level positions for national and regional educational bodies, as well as being an Ofsted inspector. His strong track record of success delivering positive impact at school, system, local, regional and national level, saw him awarded an OBE in the 2019 New Year’s Honours List for services to education. Throughout his career, David has successfully delivered sustained improvement in both pupil and Ofsted outcomes. He also has a keen interest in developing leadership programmes to encourage and nurture highly effective leaders and staff, alongside a values-led approach to driving strategy, where all stakeholders play their part. Before joining Venturers Trust in 2020, David was the CEO and Executive Principal of Changing Lives in Collaboration Trust, based in Manchester.
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Jane Jones
Jane Jones
Jane Jones is a former teacher and an active member of various community groups and endeavours in the West Midlands. Jane was the Chair of Governors at West Coventry Academy at the time that the school joined The Arthur Terry Learning Partnership, and in addition to her role as Trustee at ATLP, also serves as Trustee at the Robin Hood Multi Academy Trust.
Jane supports strong governance links between the local tier and Trust Board at ATLP by also serving as a local advocate for two partnership schools.
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Amanda Daniels
Amanda Daniels
Amanda has lived in Sutton Coldfield for most of her adult life. Amanda has held several roles in education throughout her working life – initially as a middle school teacher then as a primary school teacher – she recalls that working in a Reception class was the hardest job she has ever done. Amanda then trained as an educational psychologist and worked in that profession for 35 years before taking a contract role in special needs before her recent retirement. Two of Amanda’s children have gone on to become teachers themselves, albeit outside of the local area.
Pay and Appraisal Committee
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John Vickers
Chair of Trustees, July 2017 to present
John Vickers
Chair of Trustees, July 2017 to present
John has more than 35 years’ experience of working in comprehensive schools in rural, urban and inner-city environments, including over 20 years as a secondary head teacher in Birmingham, North Yorkshire and Coventry.
More recently, he has worked as a freelance education consultant in association with three Local Authorities and a wide range of individual secondary schools in Warwickshire, Nottinghamshire, and Bradford. His main focus has been challenging and supporting senior leadership teams and governing bodies of secondary schools to secure school improvement.
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Heather Morris
Trustee from October 2015 to present
Heather Morris
Trustee from October 2015 to present
Now retired, Heather’s longstanding career in education began in 1970, when she joined Birmingham City Council’s Education Department, progressing to Principal Officer in the employee relations team of Human Resources.
In 2007, she moved to work in a secondary school in the south west of Birmingham which had recently come out of Special Measures and then became part of a multi academy trust.
As part of her administrative role, Heather led and managed teams of various sizes, and worked with others to interpret legislation, terms and conditions of service for support and teaching staff and advised schools. Her areas of expertise included HR, Finance, Site and Health and Safety. She was the only non-teaching member of the Senior leadership team.
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David Watson
Trustee from November 2022 to present
David Watson
Trustee from November 2022 to present
A highly experienced educationalist, David’s career to date has included headships in both Birmingham and Manchester. In parallel to this, he has held leader and director-level positions for national and regional educational bodies, as well as being an Ofsted inspector. His strong track record of success delivering positive impact at school, system, local, regional and national level, saw him awarded an OBE in the 2019 New Year’s Honours List for services to education. Throughout his career, David has successfully delivered sustained improvement in both pupil and Ofsted outcomes. He also has a keen interest in developing leadership programmes to encourage and nurture highly effective leaders and staff, alongside a values-led approach to driving strategy, where all stakeholders play their part. Before joining Venturers Trust in 2020, David was the CEO and Executive Principal of Changing Lives in Collaboration Trust, based in Manchester.
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Ashley Innis
Trustee from April 2024 to present
Ashley Innis
Trustee from April 2024 to present
Having worked for Birmingham City Council for almost 20 years, Ashley has a broad multi-disciplinary background, with extensive experience of working with executive leaders, politicians, national and international partners from across the public and private sectors.
Much of his career has been within the built environment, operating at a senior level to lead several complex flagship redevelopment and regeneration projects across Birmingham – including New Street Station, Grand Central and the Perry Barr Redevelopment Scheme and venues for the 2022 Commonwealth Games.
Now working as a senior leader at one of the UK’s leading housing and care providers, he is involved in the delivery of social housing and regeneration schemes across the country.
A Chartered Human Resources Professional by background, Ashley is a double graduate (BA International Business Management and MA Real Estate Management) of Birmingham City University where he is regularly involved in supporting the professional development of students.
Ashley has previously held the position of chair of governors within the ATLP at Slade primary where he supported the school to drive improvement and better outcomes for the children.
Outside of work, Ashley enjoys playing a range of sports including football and badminton as well as running and skiing and is a married father of two children.
All Advocates are appointed by the ATLP Trust Board
Local Level: Governance Committees
All Advocates are appointed by the ATLP Trust Board.
To review Advocate committee membership and attendance, please view the attachment linked below.
The Arthur Terry Learning Partnership, a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales.
Registered Office: The Arthur Terry School, Kittoe Road, Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B74 4RZ
Tel: 0121 323 1134
Company Number 07730920.
The Arthur Terry Learning Partnership is committed to keeping our students safe, both in school and the wider community. As part of our safeguarding arrangements, we have a two-way information sharing agreement in place with the local police authority. The agreement is compliant with Crime & Disorder Act 1998 (s.115) and Data Protection Act 1998(s.29.3; s.35.2.), and focuses on preventing young people from becoming involved or further involved in crime and anti-social behaviour as a victim or offender.
If you have any queries about the partnership policy, please contact Mrs S Bailey, ATLP Safeguarding Lead.
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