It’s time to get voting on Anna Seward Primary School’s new logo
20 January 2023

Construction work at Anna Seward Primary School is gathering pace ahead of its opening in September.
Lichfield’s newest school will open its doors in September this year – and you can help create its identity in the city and beyond.
Anna Seward Primary School, part of the highly-respected Arthur Terry Learning Partnership (ATLP), will welcome nursery and reception children through its doors for the first time at the start of the new academic year under the leadership of Head of School Richard Storer.
Key figures within the ATLP have been busily working on a logo which will feature on the school’s uniform and branding and have whittled down the options to two designs.
It’s now down to the public to choose which one should be chosen to move forward with as excitement builds ahead of the opening of the city’s latest school.
The school has been named after romantic poet Anna Seward, who lived in Lichfield alongside fellow famous writer Samuel Johnson and physician Erasmus Darwin, who both influenced her work. Known as the ‘Swan of Lichfield’, she was an early feminist and successful writer with an influence beyond what was considered normal for the time.
Both logos feature a swan motif formed from the letter ‘S’ for Seward, which represents a visual link to her skilful and creative ability with words.

The designs are based on three colours – lunar blue, superpower purple and sky blue – which link closely to the romantic poet and novelist that the school is named after.
The lunar blue is a deep navy colour to represent the night sky and the Lunar Society of Birmingham, which she was closely linked to.
Superpower purple is a vibrant and creative colour to represent her view that ‘everyone should have the chance to display their natural genius’ and sky blue symbolises the children of Anna Seward Primary, for whom the sky is the limit.

Mr Storer is hugely excited at the prospect of leading the new school and called on the Lichfield public to have their say on the choice of logo.
He said: “Anna Seward Primary will become a focal point of the community, so embracing public opinion with the choice of logo is very important to us.
“Community and parental engagement is a fundamental part of my vision for the school and getting the public’s views on the logo is key because it’s going to be their school.”
Building work is currently ongoing at the £7m school, which is located on Bridgeman Way on the Deanslade Park development.
Nursery and reception places will be offered in the school’s first year of opening. After this, the two-storey building will by 2029 offer a maximum of 210 primary school and 26 nursery places including wraparound care.
The one-form entry school is being developed to expand primary school provision in Lichfield in response to an increased demand for places in the locality.
ATLP executive headteacher and strategic lead, Helen Hastilow, said: “A romantic poet and early environmentalist, Anna Seward was an important local figure who has been remembered through history for her commitment to reading, writing and equality. Buried at Lichfield Cathedral, she is synonymous with the city and surrounding area.
“As a result of their educational experience, Anna Seward Primary’s children will move on to the next part of their educational journey with knowledge, skills, inspiration and ambition for their futures.”
Visit @AnnaSeward_pri on Twitter to cast your logo vote in the online poll.