Teaching Assistant bids fond farewell to Tamworth school after 27 years
19 July 2021

On Tuesday, 20 July, Mrs Elaine Chetwynd will be retiring form Two Gates Primary School after 27 years of loyal service as a teaching assistant.
Mrs Llewelyn-Cook- Headteacher said:
“On behalf of the school community- past and present, we thank her for the loyalty, dedication and professionalism she has demonstrated in her role. Mrs Chetwynd’s commitment to the education and well-being of the children of Two Gates has been unwavering. Her natural kindness and empathy are qualities which are so important when working with young children; she has been a pillar of our nurture provision and has eased the start of the day for so many children who attended our ‘chat and play’ morning drop in.”
“As a colleague and team member Mrs Chetwynd has been reliable and loyal; always upholding the ethos and values of the school. She has been a confidante and offered sensible informed advice to students, teachers and support staff- always making time to listen and care. “
“We will miss Mrs Chetwynd very much and wish her all the very best for a long and happy retirement. She will be very busy with her lovely family, especially her seven grandchildren!”
Mrs J Bell who has worked alongside Mrs Chetwynd for 20 years will miss her especially. She said: “I can’t put into words what it means to have worked so closely with someone for such a long time.”
Miss Ford, Year 6 teacher said: “There have been many successful double acts- Ant & Dec, Morecambe and Wise, French & Saunders… but none are a patch on our Jackie and Elaine!”
Mrs I Darby, Early Years Leader and former Two Gates pupils said:, “She is the kindest and most nurturing member of staff I have ever had the pleasure of working alongside.” “As a pupil at Two Gates I remember Mrs Chetwynd as someone you could always turn to and who was always smiling.”
The school is not quite sure how it will manage without Mrs Chetwynd. Colleagues confirm that she knows where everything possible in school is kept- from safety pins to extension leads.
She said of her time at Two Gates:
“I have worked with exceptional people. We have supported each other through lots, but most of all, I have loved the children.”
Mrs Chetwynd has promised to come back to Two Gates as a volunteer in the near future.