Year 5 and 6 pupils were inspired by a wonderful careers event at Osborne Primary School in Erdington.

The Primary Careers-related Learning Priority Project was organised by Osborne’s dedicated Careers Leader and Assistant Headteacher Lindsey Lawson.

Lindsey and her guests captivated four classes of children with numerous engaging and interactive sessions.

Michael from the Career Development Institute helped children design an app to support a new school starter and the NEC Group’s Angela Walsh opened young eyes to the wealth of roles within events management.

Victoria Phillips of Birmingham-based highway, street and bridge construction partnership SMP shared the many possibilities in construction, including encouraging more females to join the sector.

Also part of the fun were dynamic duo Zed Choudhury and Syed Moosa from Birmingham’s Support Through Sport who delivered an inspiring ‘never give in’ workshop, followed by a boxing pads challenge and hurdling.

Boxing clever with Support Through Sport.

Zed, Community Sport Manager at Support Through Sport, said: “It was fantastic to lead the children through our well-known NatWest Thrive workshop – ‘I want to be’ – which explored future career pathways for young people, barriers involved in these pathways and how we can work together to overcome them.

“Following this, pupils engaged in a fun multi-sport session which included boxing combinations and testing their paces through hurdling.”

Thank you to Lindsey and our world of work visitors for providing a wonderful morning which the pupils will never forget.

Osborne Primary School is part of the highly-respected Arthur Terry Learning Partnership.

Main picture: Lindsey Lawson (fourth left) and the guests provided a special occasion for pupils.